Celebrate National S’Mores Day with Plush Puffs

Plush Puffs

We love food holidays, as they encourage us to be creative in the kitchen (or to just simply indulge) — and since today is National S’mores Day, we thought that we’d whip up a magical treat. Today’s holidays brings us back to the days when we would gather around the campfire to toast our marshmallows — not too  dark, not too light & to the gooey consistency we love.

Marshmallows have come a long way now . Out are the days of Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows. In are all-natural, artisanal, gourmet flavored marshmallows, such as the ones by Plush Puffs. This unique product line includes flavors such as Ginger Bread Spice; Lemony Merinque; Mochaccino; Toasty Coconut; and more. Although they are addictive, and it’s easy to just pop them in your mouth, but they do make a special treat when you want to liven up your usual s’mores. Our favorites are toasted caramel swirl marshmallows set between 2 graham crackers and a luscious piece of of rich milk chocolate. For more ideas on how you can liven up these gourmet marshmallows, visit Plush Puffs online.

Plush Puffs can be purchased online or at a local retailer near you.


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